On the 1st April,1989 (no joke) a fresh faced 27 year old youth attended his first day of training to become a Life Assurance Consultant. This was the main route into the Personal Finance In-dustry at the time.
In 1999 the man now a grizzled faced Regulated Adviser became an Independent Financial Adviser (IFA) to advise clients better on in-vestments and pensions..
In 2009 the experienced profes-sional launched his own IFA Firm. In 2019 Cornwall Finance and Investment Services celebrates its 10th year of service.
The most popular car in the UK during the 1980s was the Mini. Things sure have moved on.
For the last 30 years Mark Ridgment and Cornwall Finance and Investment Service have had a mission, to create, preserve and enhance our client’s wealth through good advice and service and we look forward to the next 30 years with renewed passion for making our cli-ent’s lives better one plan at a time. We are delighted that we made it onto the Sunday Times list of UK top 1000 IFAs .
See below our thoughts on Investment Sectors and examples of the returns we have achieved for our clients:
Our least favoured asset class, at current rates of interest Cash deposits even in an ISA is guaranteed to lose you money in real terms against inflation. We can now ob-tain best rates for our clients through Octopus Cash, please contact us for details.
For those who wish safer returns UK Government Gilts are seen as the logical choice, however we believe more is to be gained in UK Sovereign and Corporate Bond funds at present. Last 5 Year CF&IS Recommended fund returned 39.0%
Government Bonds, Corporate Bonds to Emerging Market Bonds this asset class allows higher than cash potential returns without all of the volatility of Equity markets. Last 5 Year CF&IS Recommended fund returned 66.1%
UK Equities
In 2019 UK economic growth is expected to slow to under 2%, compared to World growth of 3.8%. We are therefore reducing our asset allocation somewhat and hop-ing for the best. Last 5 Year CF&IS Recommended fund returned 95.1%
The US economy is still booming, dividends and buybacks will continue for at least another 18 months. Last 5 Year CF&IS Recommended fund returned 173.3%
ASIAN Equities
China’s government seem to have controlled the credit risk that faced them, positive trade deal with USA possible. If your goal is long term capital growth, inclu-sion of this sector is essential. Last 5 Year CF&IS Recommended fund returned 103.5%
Europe was one of the best performing asset class in 2017 and we expect strong growth in 2019. The effects of BREXIT in 2019 onwards remains a lingering ques-tion over this sector. Last 5 Year CF&IS Recommended fund returned 84.90%
Greater corporate governance is helping Japanese company credibility, but we are cautious of further gains for this year. Last 5 Year CF&IS Recommended fund returned 76.8 %
After being supressed for a time we are expecting a bounce when the Sino/US trade deal is ratified. Those who seek investment for long term growth, inclusion of this sector is essential. Last 5 Year CF&IS Recommended fund returned 69.8%
The Worldwide economic activity will expand by around 8% over the next 2 years. Demand for materials will positively impact on prices and share values of commodity companies. No specific funds recommended
To reduce the risk from BREXIT and to aid diversity we now typically recommend funds that invest in properties across the World Last 5 Year CF&IS Recommended fund returned 76.2%
All fund performance figures are at 11.04.19, past performance is not necessarily a guide to future returns, but is the only one we have.